Growing Up and Mental Health

Friendly and inspiring books for children, teenagers, parents and teachers of RSE.

Growing up and mental health

Displaying 1-40 of 52 books
  1. Unworry Magic Painting Book
    Age: 5+
    RRP  £6.99
  2. The Unhurry Book
    Age: 8+
    RRP  £8.99
  3. Looking After Your Health
    Age: 8+
    RRP  £6.99
  4. Unworry Book
    Award Winner
    Age: 9+
    RRP  £8.99
  5. All About Feelings
    Age: 3+
    RRP  £9.99
  6. All About Friends
    Age: 3+
    RRP  £9.99
  7. Growing Up for Boys
    Age: 10+
    RRP  £7.99
  8. Growing Up for Girls
    Age: 10+
    RRP  £7.99
  9. Growing Up
    Age: 11+
    RRP  £7.99
  10. All About You and Your Body
    Age: 3+
    RRP  £9.99
  11. Wind-Down Activities
    Age: 7+
    RRP  £6.99
  12. Social Media Survival Guide
    Age: 11+
    RRP  £6.99
  13. All About Worries and Fears
    Age: 3+
    RRP  £9.99
  14. Mindful Activities
    Age: 7+
    RRP  £6.99
  15. Psychology for Beginners
    Age: 10+
    RRP  £9.99
  16. Colour Yourself Calm
    Age: 7+
    RRP  £6.99
  17. Unworry Drawing Book
    Age: 7+
    RRP  £6.99
  18. The New Baby
    Age: 2+
    RRP  £4.99
  19. Unhurry Magic Painting
    Age: 5+
    RRP  £6.99
  20. Unworry Doodle Book
    Age: 8+
    RRP  £6.99
Displaying 1-40 of 52 books

From the blog

Expert advice on helping children manage their emotions and mental health.
Top Mindfulness websites

At Usborne Quicklinks we've selected some of the best Mental Health and Wellbeing websites for you to visit.

Discover how mindfulness can help when you're anxious and try some simple exercises such as scribbling your feelings and building a happy place.