Usborne Around the World
We're a global company

Usborne books are available around the world, in English and in lots of other languages.
We publish Usborne books under our own name (and with our iconic rainbow-coloured balloon) in French, German, Italian, Korean, Dutch, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Catalan and Chinese, as well as English.
To buy Usborne books in any of these languages, choose your location from the drop-down menu at the top left of any page on this website.
To browse the French online catalogue, change your language to ‘Français’ in the drop down menu at the top left of this screen.
Pour consulter le catalogue français en ligne, choisissez la langue française dans le menu en haut à gauche de cet écran.

To browse the German online catalogue, change your language to 'Deutsch' in the drop down menu at the top left of this screen.
Um nach deutschsprachigen Büchern zu suchen, stellen Sie bitte im Drop-down-Menü oben links auf dieser Seite die Sprache auf „Deutsch“ um.

To browse the Italian online catalogue, change your language to ‘Italiano’ in the drop down menu at the top left of this screen.
Per consultare il catalogo italiano seleziona ‘italiano’ dal menu in alto a sinistra.

To browse the Korean online catalogue, change your language to '한국어' in the drop down menu at the top left of this screen.
한국어 번역본을 검색하시려면, 화면 왼쪽 상단의 드롭 다운 메뉴에서 언어를 '한국어'로 변경해 주세요.

To browse the Dutch online catalogue, change your language to 'Nederlands' in the drop down menu at the top left of this screen.
Om de Nederlandse catalogus online te bekijken, verander je de taal linksboven in het dropdownmenu naar ’Nederlands’.

To browse the Spanish online catalogue, change your language to 'Español' in the drop down menu at the top left of this screen.
Para navegar por el catálogo digital español pincha en el hipervínculo que aparece en esquina izquierda de la pantalla y selecciona a continuación la opción “Español” y tu ubicación geográfica.

Brazilian Portuguese
To browse the Brazilian Portuguese online catalogue, change your language to 'Português in the drop down menu at the top left of this screen.
Para acessar o catálogo brasileiro, altere o idioma para 'Português' no menu no canto superior esquerdo da tela.

To explore our Catalan books, change the language to 'Español' via the dropdown menu in the top left hand corner and then go to the menu area 'Libros'. From there, select the category 'Llibres en català'.
Per explorar el nostre catàleg de llibres en català, canvia la llengua de la pàgina web a espanyol (cantonada superior esquerra de la pàgina d’inici) i entra a la pestanya “Libros”. Un cop allí selecciona la categoria “Llibres en català”.

Visit to find out more about buying Usborne books in China, in Chinese (simplified characters) and English.

We also license our books to publishers all over the world, who translate them and publish them under their own name and logo. Usborne books are available in over 130 other languages and dialects in this way, in bookshops and direct from their local language publishers (but not from this website).