5-7 years

Browse activity books, levelled reading books and non-fiction for curious young minds.

5 - 7 years

Displaying 1-40 of 471 books
  1. Ants
    Age: 4+
  2. Bees and Wasps
    Age: 4+
  3. Living in Space
    Age: 4+
  4. Trains
    Age: 4+
  5. Usborne Greek Myths
    Age: 4+
Displaying 1-40 of 471 books

Staff pick

Usborne Editor, Alex Frith, shares his editor's pick of the month:
"What would it look like if you could take a trip inside your own brain? PRETTY CRAZY. Your brain has to do so many jobs all at once it's as if there's a city full of people and machines at work. Take a tour with a friendly professor who will introduce you to your very own garden of learning delights, your memory warehouse, your art gallery of emotions. You can watch as pictures travel through your eyes and into your mind, find out how you choose the perfect ice cream, and take a spin (or three) on the sleep machine..."
Usborne Book of the Brain and How It Works