English Readers
Learn English as a second language with these award-winning books

Choose a level to see the books, or find out more about the series and take our level test below
Why choose Usborne English Readers?
Usborne English Readers are appealing, award-winning and
- are written in natural-sounding English, with beautiful full-colour illustrations throughout
- include free online audio readings in both British English and American English
- include fun activities and useful word lists after the story in each book
- are fully compatible with coursebooks and other series of readers at recognised ELT and CEFR levels.
- are developed in consultation with acclaimed ELT expert Peter Viney.

Find your level
Usborne English Readers are available at four levels:
- Starter level: Beginner+ (CEFR low A1)
- Level 1: Elementary (CEFR A1)
- Level 2: Pre-intermediate (CEFR A2
- Level 3: Intermediate (CEFR B1)
Not sure which level is right for your child or your students? Use our online test to find out.

Activity sheets
Fun activities and useful word lists for each story for use as teaching resources in the classroom or at home are available both in the back of the book and to download. These have been specifically designed to test the student's comprehension of the text.

Free audio
Each book includes a QR code to listen to an audio recording of the story in either British English and American English. This helps children who are learning English as a second language familiarise themselves with the spoken language and improves their listening skills.

Stunning illustrations
Beautiful full-colour illustrations throughout, carefully designed to help children who are learning English as a second language understand the text.
An introduction to the series
Take a peek inside the series in this short introductory video.