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Whether you want to dash off a limerick, ponder a sonnet or plot an epic poem, this write-in activity book is here to help. Each page is bursting with tips and inspiration for writing all kinds of poems - and inventing brand new styles too. With links to websites where you can listen to many of the poems in this book, and find more helpful writing tips.
Jerome Martin has written children's books about science, history, Shakespeare and food. Before joining Usborne in 2014, he spent a decade studying literature at Harvard, Cambridge and the University of Iowa, and several years behaving responsibly in a copywriting office. Now, he spends his working hours researching delightful and amazing facts, his evening hours parenting two children, and the minutes in-between writing poetry.
Visit Usborne Quicklinks for links to websites where you can read and listen to many of the poems in this book, and find more inspiration and tips for writing poems, from limericks and haikus to sonnets and odes.