Mysteries and Marvels of Science

Phillip Clarke, Sarah Khan and Laura Howell

Age: 0+ months


Series: Mysteries and Marvels

Mysteries and Marvels of Science

By: Phillip Clarke, Sarah Khan, Laura Howell

Illustrated by Keith Furnival

Series : Mysteries and Marvels

Age 0+ months


Coming September 2025

Explores areas of research including materials, energy, and biochemistry, and describes advances in technology, including nanotechnology, robotics, cloning, computing, and plastic farming. Unravel the strange and wonderful mysteries of the universe. Amazing photographs and illustrations reveal an intriguing world - proving that reality is more astounding than science fiction!
96 pages
8.7 x 11.1in
Paperback ISBN:
Publication Date:
September 2025
Work Reference:
Phillip Clarke
Phil Clarke grew up in the Cotswolds, and joined Usborne in 1999. He's written far more than he can rightly recall about such things as trees, stars, rocks, sharks, unicorns and dinosaurs, and crafted many puzzles. He lives with his family in the Midlands, and spends his spare minutes sleeping.

Find out more about Phillip Clarke

View series: Mysteries and Marvels


Aventis Prize for Science Books 2005

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Mysteries and Marvels of Science