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Usborne involved in The Fawcett Society's Commission on Gender Stereotypes in Early Childhood

The Fawcett Society – the UK's leading charity campaigning for gender equality and women's rights – has invited Usborne to be part of its forthcoming Commission on Gender Stereotypes in Early Childhood.
The Commission will run until July 2020, and will look at gender norms and stereotypes across early years education, parenting and commercial influences, as well as evidence of the consequences they have in later life. According to The Fawcett Society, children already have an idea of what is expected of boys and girls by the time they reach primary school.
Andrew Bazeley, policy and insight manager at The Fawcett Society said: ‘Research shows that by the age of seven girls’ and boys’ aspirations are so often limited by stereotyping, with too few girls believing the full range of careers are open to them – and too many boys unable to express their emotions.
‘The gender norms society promotes can also undermine dads as carers for children and tell girls that their appearance and body image matter more than anything else… To create a lasting legacy, we need to free young people from restrictive gender stereotypes and create a better, more productive society.’
Usborne is the only children's publisher on the Commission, which will hear from experts, steer research, and submit recommendations. The Commission will bring together politicians, academics, businesses, educators and civil society. It will be co-chaired by David Lammy MP and Professor Becky Francis, Director of the UCL Institute of Education. It will also include members from the Department for Education, PACEY, the National Children's Bureau, NCT, Let Toys Be Toys, the Advertising Standards Agency, Stonewall, the Muslim Women's Network and more.