First Encyclopedia of Science

Rachel Firth

Age: 5+


Series: First Encyclopedias

First Encyclopedia of Science

By: Rachel Firth

Illustrated by David Hancock

Series : First Encyclopedias

Age 5+


Why do things float? How do magnets work? What is gravity? The answers to these questions and more can be found in this fact-filled book. Simple, easy-to-read text and lively illustrations introduce basic science topics.
Also includes fun science activities and exciting recommended websites.

64 pages
8.8 x 11.0in
Hardback ISBN:
Publication Date:
January 2025
Work Reference:
Rachel Firth
Rachel spent 11 years studying and teaching philosophy at the universities of London and Oxford before joining Usborne. Since then she has written books on subjects ranging from knights, to food, to philosophy, as well as retelling folk stories, and writing children's versions of numerous novels.

Find out more about Rachel Firth

View series: First Encyclopedias

A great introduction to science for younger children.

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First Encyclopedia of Science