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World Book Day
World Book Day
Celebrate World Book Day with Usborne
Celebrate World Book Day!
World Book Day is the biggest annual celebration of authors, illustrators, books in the world and (most importantly), it is a celebration of reading. Its incredible mission to give every young person a book of their own is one that we wholeheartedly endorse.
Don't forget that you can book a school event and redeem World Book Day tokens from your local Independent Usborne Partner. Events such as book fairs and sponsored reads can earn up to 60% in free books for your school!
That's not my dog... video
This special World Book Day video, created by Stories with Symbols, features a reading of That's not my dog... and a visit to Support Dogs in Sheffield. It's especially suitable for younger children and those with learning differences.
Top Quicklinks for World Book Day
World Book Day is a great opportunity to celebrate the wonderful world of reading. Find quick costume ideas and dress up as your favourite book character.
The Usborne Fact Force
- Lessons-in-a-box for children aged 8-11
- Presented by the authors of our famous non-fiction books
- Each lesson comprises a high quality video and resource pack
- Engaging, cross-curricular topics