What's Happening to Me? (Boy)

Alex Frith

Age: 9+


Series: What and Why

What's Happening to Me? (Boy)

By: Alex Frith

Illustrated by Adam Larkum

Series : What and Why

Age 9+

In stock

A sensitive, detailed and informative guide to male puberty, this book will prove invaluable for both young boys and their parents alike, tackling key subjects from the physical changes that occur at this time to the emotional upheaval this can cause.
48 pages
227.6 x 157.1mm
Hardback ISBN:
Key Stage:
KS2, KS3
Publication Date:
November 2015
Work Reference:
Alex Frith
Alex Frith has been writing Usborne books since 2005. His diverse output covers such titles as 'See inside Your Head', 'Stories of Thor' and 'Politics for Beginners'. He has spoken at multiple festivals about his book '100 Things to Know About Space'. Alex can be found in London.

Find out more about Alex Frith

View series: What and Why

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What's Happening to Me? (Boy)