The Fairground Ghost

Felicity Everett

Age: 6+


Series: Young Reading Series 2

The Fairground Ghost

By: Felicity Everett

Illustrated by Alex de Wolf

Series : Young Reading Series 2

Age 6+

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An amusing and original story for children growing in reading confidence. When the littlest ghost is deemed not scary enough by the Ghost Inspectors, he loses his job at the fairground. Can Jake help him be more scary and win his job back? Featuring the spooky illustrations of Alex de Wolf. Part of the Usborne Reading Programme developed with reading experts at the University of Roehampton.
64 pages
203 x 136mm
Hardback ISBN:
Book Band:
Key Stage:
KS1, KS2
Publication Date:
July 2007
Work Reference:
Young Reading Series 2 titles are for children who are reading more confidently. Most titles contain a single story divided into chapters, with varied sentence lengths and more challenging vocabulary.

View series: Young Reading Series 2

This funny fairground tale stars a little ghost, who is deemed not scary enough by the Ghost Inspectors and loses his job at the fairground. But Jake is determined to help him be scarier and win his job back - can he do it? This spooky story will help children develop their reading confidence whilst they enjoy an enthralling tale.

The Book People

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The Fairground Ghost