Five-Minute Bedtime Stories

Sam Taplin

Age: 2+


Series: Illustrated Story Collections

Five-Minute Bedtime Stories

By: Sam Taplin

Illustrated by Ag Jatkowska

Series : Illustrated Story Collections

Age 2+

Currently Unavailable

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A heartwarming collection of eleven gentle animal stories, perfect for sharing together at bedtime. Cosy stories include 'Little Lion's Roar', 'Badger's Happy Feeling' and 'Dog and the Balloon'. With enchanting illustrations and just the right length for the end of a busy day.
104 pages
223.1 x 174.2mm
Hardback ISBN:
Key Stage:
Publication Date:
August 2012
Work Reference:
Sam Taplin
Sam Taplin grew up in a beautiful valley in Yorkshire, where he dreamed of being a writer, and after three years reading other people's books at university he started writing his own for Usborne. He's been doing it ever since. When he's not writing about lonely rabbits or inquisitive bears, he likes doing card tricks, writing songs and playing long games of chess by the fire.

Find out more about Sam Taplin

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Five-Minute Bedtime Stories