Illustrated Guide to Norse Myths and Legends

Anne Millard

Age: 10+


Series: Usborne Myths and Legends

Illustrated Guide to Norse Myths and Legends

By: Anne Millard

Illustrated by Rodney Matthews

Series : Usborne Myths and Legends

Age 10+

Currently Unavailable

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A superbly illustrated guide to Norse myths, brought to life with magical illustrations by Rodney Matthews. Includes an 8-page 'Who's who' to all the important Norse gods, heroes and monsters, with vital information on their lives, characters and supernatural attributes. Includes a history of the Norsemen and their myths and religion, along with retellings of the most famous stories.
48 pages
255 x 205mm
Paperback ISBN:
Key Stage:
KS2, KS3
Publication Date:
November 2006
Work Reference:

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Illustrated Guide to Norse Myths and Legends