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Psychology for BeginnersPsychology for Beginners
Age 10+
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- Extent:
- 128 pages
- Dimensions:
- 245 x 179.4mm
- Hardback ISBN:
- 9781474979900
- Lexile:
- 830L
- Key Stage:
- KS2
- Publication Date:
- March 2022
- Work Reference:
- 05798
What is psychology?
So much to explore...
Looking for answers
Psychology's close relatives
Chapter 1: Experiments
Psychologists ask questions about how people think, feel or behave. They then find a way to test possible answers.
Chapter 2: The core functions of the mind
How do we sense our surroundings, learn language or remember things?
Chapter 3: Thinking things through
How do we make judgements and decisions? And do they always make sense?
Chapter 4: Differences between people
We're all unique but we're also very similar. How do psychologists define the difference between us?
Chapter 5: Growing up and up
We turn from a tiny cell to a baby, to a child, to an adult. Psychologists call this development.
Chapter 6: We are social creatures
Discover how our behaviour is affected by the people around us.
Chapter 7: Brains and mental health
Meet your brain, and find out about brain illnesses, injuries and other mental health problems.
Jobs in psychology
View series: For Beginners
SLA Information Book Award 2023
Visit Usborne Quicklinks for links to websites where you can test your memory, trick your brain with optical illusions, and watch videos about emotions, gender stereotypes and more.