Write Your Own Sci-Fi and Fantasy Stories

Andrew Prentice

Age: 8+

RRP  NZ$22.99

Series: Write Your Own

Write Your Own Sci-Fi and Fantasy Stories

By: Andrew Prentice

Illustrated by Paul Hoppe

Series : Write Your Own

Age 8+

RRP  NZ$22.99

Purchase info

Have you ever dreamed of zipping to distant stars, jumping through time or setting out on a deadly quest? This book has loads of inspiring ideas for amazing stories and plenty of space to write them down. With lots of helpful tips for building new worlds, and links to websites for more writing tips, activities and inspiration.
96 pages
238.8 x 207.4mm
Spiral bound ISBN:
Key Stage:
Publication Date:
July 2019
Work Reference:

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Write Your Own Sci-Fi and Fantasy Stories
RRP  NZ$22.99