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Age 4+
Who were the people of ancient Rome? Where did they go to wash? Who were their gods and goddesses?
What was life like for a Roman slave? Find the answers, and much more, in this brilliant book, packed with
photographs, clear illustrations, simple step-by-step text and links to websites with video clips and fun
- Extent:
- 32 pages
- Dimensions:
- 210 x 156mm
- Hardback ISBN:
- 9781474903172
- Book Band:
- Gold
- Key Stage:
- Publication Date:
- August 2015
- Work Reference:
- 00204
1 In Roman times
2 People of Rome
3 At home
4 On the streets
5 What to wear
6 Going shopping
7 Farming
8 Banquets
9 At the baths
10 Gods and godesses
11 Building power
12 At school
13 In the army
14 Games and races
15 Glossary
16 Usborne Quicklinks
17 Index
View series: Beginners
This book tells us all about Romans who lived hundreds of years ago. I like the bit where it tells you that the owners swapped places with the slaves for the day... like the Usborne Beginners books because they tell you about a lot of interesting things, and the pictures are nice, some look real, some are drawn and others are cartoons.
Visit Usborne Quicklinks for links to websites with carefully selected video clips and activities about the Romans for young children.