Become a record smasher this World Book Day!
Who can balance the most books on their head or make the longest book domino line?
Take inspiration from Jenny Pearson’s The Incredible Record Smashers and have a go at one of these Guinness World RecordsTM challenges. Don’t forget to download your official participation certificate!
How to take part?
- Have a go at one of these incredible book-themed challenges:
Most stand up, sit downs with a Guinness World Records Book balanced on the head in 30 seconds
Fastest time to set up and topple 10 books
Fastest time to stack 20 books
- Download the official participation certificate to celebrate your attempt!
- Share your attempts with us @Usborne #RecordSmashers @GWR
For more amazing facts and fun record ideas visit!

If you’d like to be updated with news about The Incredible Record Smashers and the resources available, sign up to our 7-11s newsletter and we will keep you in the loop on this and all our other great books for this age group.
Some existing book-related records to inspire you!
- Tallest tower of Guinness World Records books – the current record is 6m
- Fastest time to set up and topple 10 Guinness World Records books - the current record is 17.193 seconds
- Largest book sentence - current record is 3,364 books
- Largest reading lesson (multiple venues)
- Most adults reading to children in a single location