My Very First Space Book
Discover the Quicklinks for this book
Age: 3+
Discover what's out in space - including astronauts! - with links to websites where you can:
- Join up stars to make constellations.
- Listen to a Solar System song.
- See how astronauts eat, sleep and work in space.
- Solar System songExplore outer space and find out about the planets and Pluto, a dwarf planet.Take me there
- Looking at the Moon
Join children looking at the Moon in the day - and at night. (Click on the day or night video.)
Take me there - Planet colouringChoose your favourite planet to print out and colour.Take me there
- Lift-off!Watch astronauts board their spacecraft, launch into space and arrive at the International Space Station.Take me there
- Life in spaceEver wonder what it's like to live in space? See how astronauts eat, sleep and have fun.Take me there
- Dress for a spacewalk!What do astronauts wear to walk on the moon?Take me there
- Be an astronaut!See how to make your own astronaut helmet.Take me there
Pictures of Space
- Taking pictures of the SunMeet "SDO", a space telescope that takes pictures of the Sun.Take me there
- Hubble picturesSee pictures of stars, nebulae, planets and galaxies taken by the Hubble Space Telescope.Take me there
- James Webb Telescope
Print out and colour a picture of the amazing new space telescope launched in 2021.
Take me there