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First Encyclopedia of SpaceFirst Encyclopedia of Space
Age 5+
- Extent:
- 64 pages
- Dimensions:
- 280.3 x 222.3mm
- Hardback ISBN:
- 9781409514312
- Key Stage:
- KS1
- Publication Date:
- July 2010
- Work Reference:
- 00593
1 Amazing space
2 The moving sky
3 Telescopes
4 Radio telescopes
5 Trips into space
6 Astronaut training
7 A walk in space
8 Living in space
9 Dangers and disasters
10 Satellites and space probes
11 Into the future
12 Is anyone out there?
13 What's in our Solar Sustem?
14 The Moon
15 The Sun
16 Mercury and Venus
17 Mars
18 Jupiter and Saturn
19 Uranus and Neptune
20 Pluto and beyond
21 Bits and pieces
22 The Universe
23 Distant suns
24 A star's life
25 Galaxies
26 Weird and wonderful
27 Looking at the night sky
28 Binoculars and telescopes
29 Space words
30 Index
31 Websites
View series: First Encyclopedias
Visit Usborne Quicklinks for links to websites where you can take a tour of the Universe, visit the International Space Station, see astronauts at work, find quick facts about each planet or examine the night sky.