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Physics for BeginnersPhysics for Beginners
Age 10+
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- Extent:
- 128 pages
- Dimensions:
- 247 x 177mm
- Hardback ISBN:
- 9781474986397
- Lexile:
- 860L
- Key Stage:
- KS2
- Publication Date:
- January 2022
- Work Reference:
- 05987
What is physics?
Asking questions?
Physics is everywhere
What do physicists do?
Chapter 1: Forces & motion
What makes things move, what makes things stop, and why some things move faster and easier than others.
Chapter 2: Waves
How sounds travel, how light works, and the mysterious connection between electricity and magnetism.
Chapter 3: The speed of light and the shape of the universe
Albert Einstein came up with two of the most significant theories in modern physics: special relativity, which explores the speed of light, and general relativity, which unpacks the shape of the universe. But what actually ARE these theories?
Chapter 4: Nuclear and particle physics
Introducing the very smallest things physicists have discovered, and seeing what happens when they try to break those things apart into even smaller pieces.
Chapter 5: Quantum mechanics
The smallest particles don't seem to follow the same rules as bigger things. So what rules do they follow, and why don't they seem to make sense?
Chapter 6: Space
What is out there, beyond the Earth? And where exactly did it all come from?
Chapter 7: Unsolved mysteries
There are plenty of things physicists don't understand about how things work, whether on Earth or out in space. Discover some of the mysteries that YOU might help to solve one day.
View series: For Beginners
Visit Usborne Quicklinks for links to websites where you can find out more about forces, spacetime, and famous physicists like Marie Curie and Albert Einstein.