Can we really help the Polar Bears?

Katie Daynes

Age: 5+

RRP  A$19.99

Series: Can we really help...

Can we really help the Polar Bears?

By: Katie Daynes

Illustrated by Róisín Hahessy

Series : Can we really help...

Age 5+

RRP  A$19.99

Purchase info

The polar bears' frozen planet is melting and they need our help. They come to Warmland to explain what's really going wrong. Luckily they find a group of lively, sparky kids who jump into action and draw up a BRILLIANT PLAN. This positive , fun and informative book provides both a really helpful introduction to climate change and a positive action list for all readers.
48 pages
252 x 221.8mm
Hardback ISBN:
Key Stage:
Publication Date:
September 2021
Work Reference:
Katie Daynes
Katie has been writing non-fiction children's books for almost half her life and loves questioning the world from a child's point of view. She's developed some of Usborne's bestselling series, including the See Inside books and Lift-the-flap Questions and Answers. When she's not writing, she likes drinking coffee, walking on the moors and playing competitive board games with her children.

Find out more about Katie Daynes

View series: Can we really help...


Prijsuitreiking Kinderklimaatboek 2022

I love the mix of positivity and information, and the myriad ways the children start to make change happen.

Juno Magazine

This book was brilliant in using age-appropriate language to explain climate change and our impact on the earth to younger children. We highly recommended this book!

The Green Parent

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Can we really help the Polar Bears?
RRP  A$19.99