50 Science things to make and do

Kate Knighton and Georgina Andrews

Age: 6+

RRP  £5.99

Series: Things to make and do

50 Science things to make and do

By: Kate Knighton, Georgina Andrews

Illustrated by Various

Series : Things to make and do

Age 6+

RRP  £5.99

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A handy-sized paperback book with 50 fun, step-by-step experiments and activities for young scientists. Activities include creating a light and shadow show, separating colours in a fascinating ink experiment, creating a foaming monster using chemical reactions and lots more! Each page displays step-by-step instructions for how to complete the activity as well as a simple explanation of the science behind it. An excellent book to introduce children to scientific concepts in a fun and interactive way.
112 pages
198.8 x 134mm
Paperback ISBN:
Key Stage:
KS1, KS2
Publication Date:
September 2014
Work Reference:
Kate Knighton
Kate joined Usborne in 2004, where she wrote a mix of story books and science books. Kate now lives in Brighton where she retrained to work with young people as an arts therapist and trainer in mental health. She still loves to write, nowadays focused on adult fiction.

Find out more about Kate Knighton

Georgina Andrews
Georgina received the "Usborne Naturetrail Omnibus" after being brave having her tonsils out when she was seven. She went on to study Biological Sciences and then work for the Science Museum, London. Her book "100 Science Experiments" was shortlisted for the Aventis Prize for Science Books. She lives in London with her husband and four teenagers and still has her copy of Naturetrail.

Find out more about Georgina Andrews

View series: Things to make and do

Offers a fresh approach to the practical world of science,
combining creative craft activities with the basics of physics, chemistry and biology.

Silicon Republic

Offers a fresh approach to the practical world of science.

Silicon Republic

Activities to try from this book

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50 Science things to make and do
RRP  £5.99