The Usborne Book of Greek Myths

Anna Milbourne and Louie Stowell

Age: 7+

RRP  £20.00

Series: Usborne Myths and Legends

The Usborne Book of Greek Myths

By: Anna Milbourne, Louie Stowell

Illustrated by Elena Temporin, Petra Brown, Simona Bursi

Series : Usborne Myths and Legends

Age 7+

RRP  £20.00

Purchase info

A sumptuously illustrated treasury of Greek myths filled with lively retellings of stories of brave heroes, powerful gods and terrible monsters, presented in a luxury, cloth-covered hardback. With thirty-two popular and exciting stories including "Pandora's Box", "The minotaur and the Labyrinth", "Jason and the Golden Fleece". Illustrated notes in the margins offer further insights into the history of Greek myths. Includes an extensive reference section with illustrated maps of Ancient Greece, a glossary of tricky words, a huge Who's Who of heroes, monsters, Gods and locations and an online pronunciation guide to Greek names.
304 pages
279.2 x 206.6mm
Hardback ISBN:
Key Stage:
Publication Date:
August 2010
Work Reference:
Anna Milbourne
Growing up on the Wirral and in Germany, Anna wrote plays about talking animals, and stories about naughty children, and drew on every available surface. After school, she did an Art Foundation course, then a degree in German Literature and Philosophy at Oxford University. In 1998 she found her perfect job at Usborne in London, writing about everything from curious penguins to trips to the Moon.

Find out more about Anna Milbourne

Louie Stowell
Louie Stowell has written dozens of non-fiction and stories for Usborne, on everything from space science and coding to the human body and politics. After working as an author/editor for Usborne, she went on to be an Editorial Director at Ladybird, Penguin Random House. She is author of the bestselling Loki novels.

Find out more about Louie Stowell


Junior Design Awards 2011

A very accessible, well-written and extravagantly illustrated bargain of a hardback. Lots of information, including maps. One to keep forever.

The Big Issue

There is nothing like inquisitive children for exposing gaping holes in one's general knowledge. The recently published Usborne Book of Greek Myths has enough wars and monsters to keep my boys rapt while I make notes on the gods and goddesses. A good present for an eight-year-old.

Daily Telegraph Magazine

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The Usborne Book of Greek Myths
RRP  £20.00