Growing Up

Sue Meredith

Age: 10+

RRP  NZ$22.99

Series: Facts of Life

Growing Up

By: Sue Meredith

Illustrated by Sue Stitt, Kuo Kang Chen, Verinder Bhachu, Emma Julings, Stephen Moncrieff, Nancy Leschnikoff, Rob McCaig

Series : Facts of Life

Age 10+

RRP  NZ$22.99

Purchase info

A very approachable and reassuring account of exactly what happens in the body at puberty. Includes informative sections on sex, contraception, sexually transmitted infections and drugs, as well as advice on healthy eating, exercise and hygiene. Winner of the Times Educational Supplement Information Book Award.
56 pages
240.3 x 171.2mm
Paperback ISBN:
Key Stage:
KS2, KS3
Publication Date:
September 1997
Work Reference:

View series: Facts of Life

direct and caring information

Just Seventeen

Time after time, manages tricky subjects without fuss

Times Educational Supplement

straight-talking facts on everything you need to know about growning up

My Guy

This award-winning and thoughtful book will help to reassure anyone going through adolescence about the changes that occur to the body during puberty. It tackles in a clear and direct way issues such as hormones, sex, contraception, sexually transmitted infections and drugs, and contains valuable advice on healthy eating, exercise and hygiene.

Term Times

Absolutely excellent. It covers a fantastic amount of information in a clear and informative way... extremely reassuring.


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Growing Up
RRP  NZ$22.99