Build Your Own Robots and Spaceships Sticker Book

Simon Tudhope

Age: 5+

RRP  NZ$29.99

Series: Build Your Own Sticker Book

Build Your Own Robots and Spaceships Sticker Book

By: Simon Tudhope

Illustrated by Adrian Mann, Reza Ilyasa

Series : Build Your Own Sticker Book

Age 5+

RRP  NZ$29.99

Purchase info

From pirate spaceships to flying robots, children can build over 40 of the most deadly machines in the galaxy using 20 pages of stickers of stun guns, turbo engines, rocket boosters and more. Each robot and spaceship comes with a statistics table of its unique functions and weapons, plus its particular strengths and weaknesses.
88 pages
Additional details:
With 10 pages of stickers
305 x 238mm
Paperback ISBN:
Key Stage:
KS1, KS2
Publication Date:
November 2015
Work Reference:
Simon Tudhope
Before joining Usborne, Simon worked in Moscow as sports editor for a local paper. These days he writes about things that aren't actually real, but are very important nevertheless. Mysteries and monsters and impossible quests in faraway realms that you won't find on any map. All the sort of stuff he loved as a child, basically. (And still does.)

Find out more about Simon Tudhope

Young readers can marvel at the fact files on 30th Century
asteroid mining craft and use stickers to add stun guns and laser cannons.

Cork Evening Echo

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Build Your Own Robots and Spaceships Sticker Book
RRP  NZ$29.99