Multiplying and Dividing Activity Book

Darran Stobbart

Age: 6+

RRP  £6.99

Series: Maths Activity Books

Multiplying and Dividing Activity Book

By: Darran Stobbart

Illustrated by Luana Rinaldo

Series : Maths Activity Books

Age 6+

RRP  £6.99

Make children maths stars with this fun-packed book, bursting with multiplying and dividing activities. Puzzles include using times tables to complete a jungle maze, dividing treasure between pirates, and lots more. Includes spaces for working out, extra practice pages and quick quizzes to check what's been learned.
64 pages
248.9 x 216.4mm
Paperback ISBN:
Key Stage:
KS1, KS2
Publication Date:
August 2021
Work Reference:
Darran Stobbart
Darran spent a decade as children's bookseller in Durham. He studied crime scene and forensic science at university. It's handier than you'd expect. He collects useless facts, and writes about lots of subjects - especially science. He is passionate about stories, music, and will talk about octopuses at great length.

Find out more about Darran Stobbart

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Multiplying and Dividing Activity Book
RRP  £6.99