First Illustrated Dictionary and Thesaurus

Jane Bingham and Rachel Ward

Age: 5+

RRP  £14.99

Series: Illustrated Dictionaries and Thesauruses

First Illustrated Dictionary and Thesaurus

By: Jane Bingham, Rachel Ward

Illustrated by Beatrice Tinarelli, Tjarda Borsboom, Villie Karabatzia

Series : Illustrated Dictionaries and Thesauruses

Age 5+

RRP  £14.99

This brilliant dictionary and thesaurus will help young children learn new vocabulary, check their spellings and find inspiration for exciting words to use in their writing and conversation. Includes simple definitions of over 2,500 words, over 500 colourful illustrations and a thesaurus of synonyms organised by topic for easy reference.
360 pages
170 x 240mm
Paperback ISBN:
Key Stage:
Publication Date:
October 2017
Work Reference:
Jane Bingham
Jane studied English at Exeter and Art History at York. She has worked on various Usborne dictionaries, encyclopaedias and learning books, and her edition of the Usborne Illustrated Dictionary was awarded a prize for a significant contribution to children's literacy. She has two sons and three stepsons who are now scattered across the globe. She gets a huge thrill from seeing her books on sale when she travels to the USA and Australia.

Find out more about Jane Bingham

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First Illustrated Dictionary and Thesaurus
RRP  £14.99