The Ant and the Grasshopper

Susanna Davidson

Age: 4+


Series: First Reading Level 3

The Ant and the Grasshopper

By: Susanna Davidson

Illustrated by John Joven

Series : First Reading Level 3

Age 4+

Currently Unavailable

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Grasshopper sings all summer, happy and carefree. Ant is busy, busy, busy, collecting food for winter. But what will Grasshopper do when winter comes? Find out in this lively retelling of the classic Aesop's fable, specially written for beginner readers and with beautiful illustrations by John Joven throughout.
48 pages
203.8 x 145.4mm
Hardback ISBN:
Book Band:
Key Stage:
Publication Date:
October 2019
Work Reference:
Susanna Davidson
Susanna writes fiction and non-fiction for Usborne. Her favourite things to write about are small monsters and talking animals. She used to live in London but now lives in a cottage on the edge of some woods. She is only sorry there are no bears or witches in them.

Find out more about Susanna Davidson

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The Ant and the Grasshopper