Easy Phonic Words

Mairi Mackinnon

Age: 4+


Series: Very First Reading

Easy Phonic Words

By: Mairi Mackinnon

Illustrated by Fred Blunt

Series : Very First Reading

Age 4+

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A lively phonics wordbook specially developed for young children who are just beginning to learn to read. This appealing book uses witty and lively scenes to introduce easy-to-read words and common spelling patterns. An engaging way to build a secure foundation for reading with confidence and pleasure.
48 pages
198.4 x 138.9mm
Hardback ISBN:
Key Stage:
Publication Date:
October 2011
Work Reference:
Mairi Mackinnon
Mairi Mackinnon has lived in England, Scotland, France, Italy and Spain, and worked as a teacher, translator and tour manager before joining Usborne. Over the years she has written and edited Usborne books in sixteen languages, from Arabic to Welsh. She lives in a house full of tall teenagers, hundreds of books and strange musical instruments, from violas to didgeridoos.

Find out more about Mairi Mackinnon

Usborne Very First Reading is an exciting series of books for children who are just starting to learn to read. The series offers the appeal of imaginative rhyming stories and irresistible illustrations. 

They are part of a well-researched framework, and are designed to be shared and enjoyed with an adult.

Click on a title for printable activity sheets, wordbank practice words and to listen to the phonemes for each book.

View series: Very First Reading

This is a colourful and fun way for children to learn those all-important early phonic sounds. The clear font, bright colours and simple pictures are all perfect for early learners.

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Easy Phonic Words