Usborne Book of Night Time
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Age: 4+
See what people and animals get up to when the sun sets with links to websites where you can:
- Meet tiny tarsiers who only come out at night.
- Find out about some jobs people do at night.
- Spot animals hiding in the dark.
Scroll down to see all the links
Night Time
- Meet an astronomer and find out about day and nightThe astronomer lives in Australia. To see Australia on Earth, look for the pinkish continent.Take me there
- See Earth at night from space and spot city lights and wildfiresTake me there
- How to spot the group of stars called OrionOrion was a hunter in ancient Greek myths.Take me there
- See the Northern Lights, or aurora, in the night skyClick and drag the video to move around.Take me there
- Find out why the Moon changes shapeTake me there
- What are shooting stars?Shooting stars are also called meteors.Take me there
- Find out how groups of stars got their namesTake me there
Animals at Night
- Print out and shade in pictures of night time animalsTake me there
- Listen to night sounds and watch fireflies in a forestTake me there
- Meet tiny tarsiers who only come out at nightTake me there
- Dive into the sea at night and watch coral release eggsThis is called coral spawning.Take me there
- See glow-in-the-dark millipedesTake me there
- Listen to the sounds different owls make at nightTake me there
- See the city through the eyes of a fox at nightTake me there
People at Night
- Find out about some jobs people do at nightTake me there
- How do astronauts sleep on the International Space Station?Take me there
- Watch people light lanterns that float up into the night skyTake me there
- Experience a night of karaoke - with the Muppets!Take me there
- Watch robots helping workers in a factoryTake me there