Prehistoric Britain

Rachel Firth and Alex Frith

Age: 8+

RRP  $12.95

Series: History of Britain

Prehistoric Britain

By: Rachel Firth, Alex Frith

Illustrated by Ian McNee

Series : History of Britain

Age 8+

RRP  $12.95

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From the age of dinosaurs to the Roman invasion, this book tells the story of a vast and exciting period of British history. It describes when and how people first came to Britain, and includes information on the Bronze Age, Iron Age, Celts and the mysteries of Stonehenge. Full of facts, illustrations, photographs, maps and timelines. Includes photographs and details of real-life archaeological discoveries, as well as information on how new technologies can give us greater insight into the past. With internet links to recommended websites with further information, video clips and virtual tours.
64 pages
231.4 x 167.5mm
Paperback ISBN:
Key Stage:
Publication Date:
May 2015
Work Reference:
Rachel Firth
Rachel spent 11 years studying and teaching philosophy at the universities of London and Oxford before joining Usborne. Since then she has written books on subjects ranging from knights, to food, to philosophy, as well as retelling folk stories, and writing children's versions of numerous novels.

Find out more about Rachel Firth

Alex Frith
Alex Frith has been writing Usborne books since 2005. His diverse output covers such titles as 'See inside Your Head', 'Stories of Thor' and 'Politics for Beginners'. He has spoken at multiple festivals about his book '100 Things to Know About Space'. Alex can be found in London.

Find out more about Alex Frith

View series: History of Britain

The new curriculum for 2014 includes prehistoric Britain so this book will prove very useful. It covers the story of Britain from the age of the dinosaurs to the Roman invasion. Full of facts, illustrations, photographs, maps and timelines, the book is really well presented and based on up-to-date knowledge.

Parents in Touch

Manages to jump from dinosaurs to Romans in just 55 pages. Exceptionally informative.

Young Archaeologist Magazine

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Prehistoric Britain
RRP  $12.95