My First Body Book

Matthew Oldham

Age: 3+

RRP  $15.95

Series: My First Books

My First Body Book

By: Matthew Oldham

Illustrated by Tony Neal

Series : My First Books

Age 3+

RRP  $15.95

Purchase info

Find out what's inside your body and how it all works in this fascinating book, full of bright pictures and facts that grown-ups and children can talk about together. A delightful introduction to muscles and how we move, our brain and senses, eating, growing up and more. Includes links to carefully selected websites with videos and activities.
30 pages
248.6 x 223.5mm
Board ISBN:
Key Stage:
Publication Date:
February 2019
Work Reference:
Matthew Oldham
Matthew writes books for Usborne about all sorts of subjects, including history, science and Planet Earth. Before he did this, he studied English at university and worked for the BBC where he made funny radio programmes. In his spare time he likes to ride his bike, visit all kinds of museums and read on his sofa as much as possible.

Find out more about Matthew Oldham

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My First Body Book
RRP  $15.95