Maps Activity Book

Eddie Reynolds and Darran Stobbart

Age: 7+

RRP  $15.99

Series: Activity Book

Maps Activity Book

By: Eddie Reynolds, Darran Stobbart

Illustrated by Peter Donnelly, Various

Series : Activity Book

Age 7+

RRP  $15.99

Purchase info

Explore the wonderful world of maps with this entertaining write-in activity book. Find out how maps work, explore the world and discover different types of maps as you complete puzzles, mazes, spot the difference, colouring in and lots more. All the answers are at the back of the book and there are links to websites with even more map activities.
80 pages
277.1 x 216.7mm
Paperback ISBN:
Key Stage:
Publication Date:
August 2019
Work Reference:
Eddie Reynolds
Eddie joined Usborne Publishing in 2017. Before that, he studied German and French at Cambridge University, then moved to Berlin after a short while teaching Ancient History at a school in Guangzhou, China. Now back in the UK, he writes books about all sorts, including computers, maps and engineering.

Find out more about Eddie Reynolds

Darran Stobbart
Darran spent a decade as children's bookseller in Durham. He studied crime scene and forensic science at university. It's handier than you'd expect. He collects useless facts, and writes about lots of subjects - especially science. He is passionate about stories, music, and will talk about octopuses at great length.

Find out more about Darran Stobbart

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Maps Activity Book
RRP  $15.99