Illustrated Pirate Stories

Age: 5+

RRP  $22.95

Series: Illustrated Story Collections

Illustrated Pirate Stories


Illustrated by Leo Broadley

Series : Illustrated Story Collections

Age 5+

RRP  $22.95

Purchase info

Landlubbers beware! A thrilling collection of illustrated stories full of nail-biting danger, booming canons, mysterious treasure hunts... and plenty of parrots. Stories such as The Captain's Cat, The Bookish Pirate, The Battle of the Toasted Cheese and others are bristling with swashbuckling sea dogs, cursed cabin boys and even zombie pirates! Finished to a high standard and colourfully illustrated, this hardback book would make an excellent gift for any pirate enthusiast. Ideal for sharing together, the simple text also makes this book perfect for confident readers to enjoy alone.
272 pages
201 x 157mm
Hardback ISBN:
Key Stage:
KS1, KS2
Publication Date:
November 2014
Work Reference:

1 Pirate of the Year

2 Greenbeard's Gold

3 The Battle of Toasted Cheese

4 Bobby and the Slime Pirates

5 Gone

6 Stinky Pete

7 The Pirate Parrot

8 The Rotting Roger

9 Being a Pirate is for Life

10 Do Not Light the Black Lantern

11 The Bookish Pirate

12 Captain Strong's Grandma

13 Pirate Stew

14 The Captain's Cat

15 The Rescue Plan

16 The Curse of the Black Parrot

17 The Pirate Prince

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Illustrated Pirate Stories
RRP  $22.95