Seriously Stinky Slimy Stories

Sam Baer and Lara Bryan

Age: 5+

RRP  A$24.99

Series: Illustrated Story Collections

Seriously Stinky Slimy Stories

By: Sam Baer, Lara Bryan

Illustrated by Kyle Beckett

Series : Illustrated Story Collections

Age 5+

RRP  A$24.99

Purchase info

Get ready to hold your nose. Here are eight stupendously whiffy, oozy and rip-roaring traditional tales, retold with extra stink and slime in this smelly yet surprisingly charming collection.

Perfect for independent readers or for sharing a giggly moment at story time, these tales will spark a smile at any age. Packed with colour illustrations, jokes and speech bubbles to appeal to even the most reluctant reader.

From dragon dung and stinky socks to a legendary fart from 'The 1001 Nights', discover fairy tales you wish you'd always known and old favourites in a new, much funnier, light.

128 pages
256 x 196mm
Hardback ISBN:
Publication Date:
October 2024
Work Reference:
Sam Baer
Sam Baer grew up on the tiny island of Jersey before setting off on adventures in not-quite-so-tiny England. Since 2011, he's been writing books about everything from imps and elves to Victorian fashion. It's a dream job (almost as good as being a superhero).

Find out more about Sam Baer

Lara Bryan
Lara has loved books since the days of being read bedtime stories by her Irish dad and French mum. At school she set up a secondhand bookshop called Books Change Lives, and went on to study English and Italian at Oxford University. After teaching in Italy and Myanmar, she got her dream job as a writer for Usborne Publishing. From explaining how economics works, to inventing boredom-busting activities, to telling a good dragon yarn, she's enjoyed every minute of the job.

Find out more about Lara Bryan

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Seriously Stinky Slimy Stories
RRP  A$24.99