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See Inside How Things WorkSee Inside How Things Work
Age 6+
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- Extent:
- 16 pages
- Dimensions:
- 276.5 x 225.8mm
- Board ISBN:
- 9780746098516
- Key Stage:
- KS1, KS2
- Publication Date:
- September 2009
- Work Reference:
- 01551
1 Simple machines
2 Movers & shakers
3 Getting going
4 Making music
5 Waterworks
6 Floating & flying
7 Everyday inventions
8 Up, down & around
9 Bits & pieces
View series: See Inside
View series: How It Works
A big bright book with robust pages. Familiar objects, from domestic to industrial, are described on every page and then you lift the flap to find out how they work. So, look inside the piano to see the hammer action, lift the flap on the loo to see how ballcocks work. Check out zips and ballpoint pens. Large machines, like excavators, have more than one flap and a lot of information is packed into small spaces. A book to talk about and maybe follow up on the related website.
A hands-on science lesson!
These days youngsters don't want to just hear about the mechanics of life, they want to see for themselves exactly what makes our world tick...So Usborne have come up with the perfect answer ... a beautifully designed and illustrated book with over 90 flaps to lift and make exciting discoveries. How Things Work is literally a hands-on science lesson!
From simple machines (cogs, pulleys, levers) to planes, vehicles and microwaves, How things work reveals the science behind how things work and offers 90 flaps to lift and fantastic, detailed illustrations.
This is a thoroughly modern information book: highly visual, interactive and linked to websites. In each example the main picture shows the external structure and you lift the flap for an explanation of how the machine works. The copious yet clear annotation shows young readers the importance of the verbal as well as the visual in texts that explain...deserves a place on the Primary school science shelf.
Visit Usborne Quicklinks for links to websites where you can find out how bike gears, a toilet or a jet engine work and discover how lots of everyday items were invented.