Chemistry for Beginners

Darran Stobbart and Kristie Pickersgill

Age: 10+

RRP  A$19.99

Series: For Beginners

Chemistry for Beginners

By: Darran Stobbart, Kristie Pickersgill

Illustrated by Clo'e Floirat

Series : For Beginners

Age 10+

RRP  A$19.99

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This engaging introduction to chemistry tackles the key concepts and big ideas in a friendly and accessible way. From atoms to molecules, discover the basic building blocks of the universe and find out how chemists use them to create amazing new medicines, materials and more. Follow step-by-step chemical reactions, explore the periodic table and learn all about chemistry's real-life applications from solving crimes to producing green energy.
128 pages
247 x 177mm
Hardback ISBN:
Key Stage:
KS2, KS3
Publication Date:
July 2024
Work Reference:
Darran Stobbart
Darran spent a decade as children's bookseller in Durham. He studied crime scene and forensic science at university. It's handier than you'd expect. He collects useless facts, and writes about lots of subjects - especially science. He is passionate about stories, music, and will talk about octopuses at great length.

Find out more about Darran Stobbart

Kristie Pickersgill
Kristie Pickersgill was born and raised in Yorkshire, where she developed a love of animals, nature and the great outdoors. After studying Chemistry at the University of York, she worked as a school lab technician before making the leap into educational publishing.

Find out more about Kristie Pickersgill

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Chemistry for Beginners
RRP  A$19.99