100 Things to Know About History

Alex Frith, Minna Lacey, Laura Cowan and Jerome Martin

Age: 8+

RRP  A$19.99


100 Things to Know About History

By: Alex Frith, Minna Lacey, Laura Cowan, Jerome Martin

Illustrated by Federico Mariani, Parko Polo


Age 8+

RRP  A$19.99

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Did you know that mammoths and pharaohs walked the earth at the same time? Or that over 30 types of gladiators fought in ancient Rome? This fascinating book is filled with 100 historical facts, bright, infographic-style illustrations, a glossary and index. There are also links to specially selected websites with video clips and more information.
128 pages
248.9 x 178.3mm
Hardback ISBN:
Key Stage:
Publication Date:
February 2018
Work Reference:
Alex Frith
Alex Frith has been writing Usborne books since 2005. His diverse output covers such titles as 'See inside Your Head', 'Stories of Thor' and 'Politics for Beginners'. He has spoken at multiple festivals about his book '100 Things to Know About Space'. Alex can be found in London.

Find out more about Alex Frith

Minna Lacey
Since joining Usborne, Minna has written books on everything from pirates and gladiators to jungles and oceans. She studied Maths and Philosophy at university and previously worked as a journalist and illustrator in London, Bogota and New York. In her spare time, she loves writing stories, drawing and playing the guitar.

Find out more about Minna Lacey

Laura Cowan
Laura studied literature twice at university, so she's read a lot of books (always helpful when writing them). Before joining Usborne, she taught English in Barcelona, Dublin and Cambridge. She now lives in East London, where she regrets the lack of sun and sea.

Find out more about Laura Cowan

Jerome Martin
Jerome Martin has written children's books about science, history, Shakespeare and food. Before joining Usborne in 2014, he spent a decade studying literature at Harvard, Cambridge and the University of Iowa, and several years behaving responsibly in a copywriting office. Now, he spends his working hours researching delightful and amazing facts, his evening hours parenting two children, and the minutes in-between writing poetry.

Find out more about Jerome Martin

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100 Things to Know About History
RRP  A$19.99