The Usborne Complete Shakespeare
Discover the Quicklinks for this book
Age: 8+
Watch performances of William Shakespeare's plays and find out more about him with links to websites where you can:
- Watch a scene from "A Midsummer Night's Dream".
- Visit the house where Shakespeare was born.
- Take a video tour of The Globe in London, England.
Scroll down to see all the links
Who was Shakespeare?
- William ShakespeareWatch a video about Shakespeare and his plays.Take me there
- What did Shakespeare look like?Examine a portrait that is believed to be of Shakespeare, painted around 1610.Take me there
- Shakespeare timelinePrint out a timeline of Shakespeare's life, a family tree and a wordsearch of his plays.Take me there
- Why is Shakespeare so special?Watch a video about Shakespeare's plays and the words and phrases he used.Take me there
- Shakespeare quizTry a quick quiz about Shakespeare's life. (Scroll down and click on the hand icon. Video may not be available where you are due to BBC copyright restrictions.)Take me there
Scenes from Shakespeare's Plays
- A Midsummer Night's DreamListen to Bottom's awful singing and see Titania fall in love with him in Act 3, Scene 1 of "A Midsummer Night's Dream".Take me there
- Twelfth NightWatch a scene from "Twelfth Night" where Malvolio wears yellow stockings to impress Olivia.Take me there
- Romeo and JulietRomeo and Juliet meet for the first time in Act 1, Scene 5 of "Romeo and Juliet".Take me there
- HamletWatch an actor perform Hamlet's famous "To be or not to be" speech in Act 3, Scene 1 of "Hamlet".Take me there
- MacbethMacbeth meets the three witches in Act 1, Scene 3 of "Macbeth".Take me there
- OthelloFind out what makes Iago the perfect villain, with excerpts from different performances of "Othello".Take me there
More About Shakespeare
- Where was Shakespeare born?Visit the house where Shakespeare was born and see his school.Take me there
- Shakespeare folio
Turn the pages of the First Folio, the first published collection of Shakespeare's plays.
Take me there - Facts about ShakespeareDiscover some fun facts about Shakespeare.Take me there
- Shakespeare activitiesExplore Shakespeare's world with language activities, short scripts to perform and pictures to colour.Take me there