First Illustrated Grammar and Punctuation

Jane Bingham

Age: 4+

RRP  £9.99

Series: Illustrated Dictionaries and Thesauruses

First Illustrated Grammar and Punctuation

By: Jane Bingham

Illustrated by Jordan Wray

Series : Illustrated Dictionaries and Thesauruses

Age 4+

RRP  £9.99

Purchase info

An easy-to-use introduction to grammar and punctuation for young children, featuring sections on nouns, adjectives, punctuation, writing skills and more. With simple explanations, colourful illustrations and lots of examples throughout, plus quizzes, writing tips and links to specially selected websites with puzzles and videos.
104 pages
241.6 x 169.9mm
Paperback ISBN:
Key Stage:
Publication Date:
January 2019
Work Reference:
Jane Bingham
Jane studied English at Exeter and Art History at York. She has worked on various Usborne dictionaries, encyclopaedias and learning books, and her edition of the Usborne Illustrated Dictionary was awarded a prize for a significant contribution to children's literacy. She has two sons and three stepsons who are now scattered across the globe. She gets a huge thrill from seeing her books on sale when she travels to the USA and Australia.

Find out more about Jane Bingham

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First Illustrated Grammar and Punctuation
RRP  £9.99