Junior Illustrated Thesaurus

James Maclaine

Age: 7+

RRP  £9.99

Series: Illustrated Dictionaries and Thesauruses

Junior Illustrated Thesaurus

By: James Maclaine

Illustrated by Various

Series : Illustrated Dictionaries and Thesauruses

Age 7+

RRP  £9.99

Purchase info

A fantastic resource to help children boost their word power, both when writing and talking. Words and their synonyms are grouped in over 90 topics, including for example, animal words, noisy words, fairytale words, jobs, sports, monsters, weather and lots more. Children can choose a topic relevant for their story, or look for a word in the Word Finder index. Colourful pictures illustrate many of the word meanings, and there are writing tips, word games and internet links to other carefully chosen writing resources online.
128 pages
239.3 x 171.4mm
Paperback ISBN:
Key Stage:
Publication Date:
September 2015
Work Reference:
James Maclaine
James Maclaine has written books about meerkats, general knowledge and manners, come up with countless drawing, doodling and colouring ideas, and devised puzzles and things to do for a range of activity books. His Junior Illustrated Thesaurus is the book that he wishes he'd had as a child.

Find out more about James Maclaine

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Junior Illustrated Thesaurus
RRP  £9.99