Wipe-Clean Subtracting

Hannah Watson

Age: 3+


Series: Wipe-Clean

Wipe-Clean Subtracting

By: Hannah Watson

Illustrated by Gareth Williams

Series : Wipe-Clean

Age 3+


Purchase info

This colorful activity book is a great way for children to learn how to do simple subtraction. Join the friendly monsters to complete fun activities to subtract numbers up to 10, including counting down to a rocket launch, a bowling competition and magic tricks. The pages are wipe-clean for endless practice and ideal for developing pen control.
24 pages
8.5 x 10.9in
Paperback (direct sales) ISBN:
Publication Date:
July 2019
Work Reference:
Hannah Watson
Hannah Watson has wonderful memories of staying above her grandma's bookshop as a child, sneaking down after closing time to look through the children's books. This love of books translated into studying English and French literature at Durham University and The Sorbonne in Paris. She joined Usborne Publishing after graduating in 2015, and cherishes the thought that some of her books can now be found by curious children on bookshop shelves.

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Wipe-Clean Subtracting