My First Keyboard Book

Sam Taplin

Age: 3+


Series: My First Books

My First Keyboard Book

By: Sam Taplin

Illustrated by Rachel Green

Series : My First Books

Age 3+


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A sturdy keyboard attached to a book of well-known tunes, with color-coded notes so that anyone can play them. Tunes include Twinkle, Twinkle, Frère Jacques, Ode to Joy and Row, Row, Row your Boat and there are ideas for making up simple tunes too. Each note is represented by a color that corresponds to the same color on the keyboard, so even very young children can pick out the tunes. With delightful illustrations, this is a lovely gift that can be taken anywhere.
22 pages
10.2 x 9.3in
Spiral bound (direct sales) ISBN:
Publication Date:
October 2014
Work Reference:
Sam Taplin
Sam Taplin grew up in a beautiful valley in Yorkshire, where he dreamed of being a writer, and after three years reading other people's books at university he started writing his own for Usborne. He's been doing it ever since. When he's not writing about lonely rabbits or inquisitive bears, he likes doing card tricks, writing songs and playing long games of chess by the fire.

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