First Book about the Orchestra

Sam Taplin

Age: 3+


Series: Musical Books

First Book about the Orchestra

By: Sam Taplin

Illustrated by Sean Longcroft

Series : Musical Books

Age 3+


Purchase info

Young children can discover the magic of the orchestra with this sound book. Each page has an embedded button to press to hear instruments from brass to drums, as well as the whole orchestra playing together. There are snippets of information about each instrument and a QR link to listen to the complete piece of music online.
10 pages
8.5 x 8.5in
Board (direct sales) ISBN:
Publication Date:
August 2016
Work Reference:
Sam Taplin
Sam Taplin grew up in a beautiful valley in Yorkshire, where he dreamed of being a writer, and after three years reading other people's books at university he started writing his own for Usborne. He's been doing it ever since. When he's not writing about lonely rabbits or inquisitive bears, he likes doing card tricks, writing songs and playing long games of chess by the fire.

Find out more about Sam Taplin

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First Book about the Orchestra