Peep Inside a Bird's Nest

Anna Milbourne

Age: 3+

RRP  £7.99

Series: Peep Inside

Peep Inside a Bird's Nest

By: Anna Milbourne

Illustrated by Stephanie Fizer Coleman

Series : Peep Inside

Age 3+

RRP  £7.99

Peep inside a bird's nest to see her precious eggs nestled there. Lift a flap to see them hatch, and find out how a bird takes care of its young. Discover all kinds of different nests and chicks, from teeny-tiny humming birds nests to great big muddy flamingo nests, and even learn how penguins take care of their eggs in the snow without a nest at all.
14 pages
199.9 x 162.7mm
Board ISBN:
Key Stage:
Publication Date:
February 2022
Work Reference:
Anna Milbourne
Growing up on the Wirral and in Germany, Anna wrote plays about talking animals, and stories about naughty children, and drew on every available surface. After school, she did an Art Foundation course, then a degree in German Literature and Philosophy at Oxford University. In 1998 she found her perfect job at Usborne in London, writing about everything from curious penguins to trips to the Moon.

Find out more about Anna Milbourne

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Peep Inside a Bird's Nest
RRP  £7.99