Lift-the-Flap Construction & Demolition

Jerome Martin

Age: 5+

RRP  NZ$22.99

Series: Lift-the-flap

Lift-the-Flap Construction & Demolition

By: Jerome Martin

Illustrated by Peter Allen

Series : Lift-the-flap

Age 5+

RRP  NZ$22.99

Purchase info

It takes hundreds of people, dozens of machines and years of work to construct a skyscraper. Lift the flaps to see construction crews digging, drilling, pouring, heaving and hoisting as they build a brand new building at the heart of a busy city. Includes Usborne Quicklinks to specially selected websites where you can watch a demolition and fly over skyscrapers.
16 pages
226 x 279.6mm
Board ISBN:
Key Stage:
KS1, KS2
Publication Date:
April 2020
Work Reference:

1 An architect's desk

2 Demolition

3 Crews and machines

4 Strong and stable

5 Gaining height

6 Around the clock

7 Hidden engineering

8 Grand opening

Jerome Martin
Jerome Martin has written children's books about science, history, Shakespeare and food. Before joining Usborne in 2014, he spent a decade studying literature at Harvard, Cambridge and the University of Iowa, and several years behaving responsibly in a copywriting office. Now, he spends his working hours researching delightful and amazing facts, his evening hours parenting two children, and the minutes in-between writing poetry.

Find out more about Jerome Martin

View series: Lift-the-flap

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Lift-the-Flap Construction & Demolition
RRP  NZ$22.99