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Philosophy for BeginnersPhilosophy for Beginners
Age 10+
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- Extent:
- 128 pages
- Dimensions:
- 248.2 x 174.6mm
- Hardback ISBN:
- 9781474950886
- Lexile:
- 770L
- Key Stage:
- KS3, KS4
- Publication Date:
- May 2020
- Work Reference:
- 04968
What is philosophy?
A world of philosophy?
Doing philosophy
How to argue
Thought experiments
Why do philosophy?
Chapter 1: Knowledge
How do we know anything about the world around us - can we be sure that we know anything at all?
Chapter 2: The mind
Is your mind somehow different from your body, and are you even in control of it?
Chapter 3: Beauty and art
What is beauty, and what is art?
And why is it so hard to answer these questions?
Chapter 4: God
If there is a God, is it possible to prove that he or she exists?
Chapter 5: Politics
Are there any rules that everyone can agree on that would make a society a fair and happy place for everyone to live in?
Chapter 6: How to be good
If you're not sure of the right thing to do, can the tools of philosophy help you find an answer?
Chapter 7: Time and Identity
Everything changes with time - but how much can something change and still count as the same thing? What is time, anyway?
Chapter 8: Logic and language
What are the rules of philosophy, and how can you follow them if people don't agree on what words themselves actually mean?
Chapter 9: The meaning of life
Is philosophy merely a way asking questions about the world - or can it also be a way of life itself? Can it answer the ultimate question: what is the meaning of life?
What next?
Multiple mysteries
Famous Philosophers
View series: For Beginners
Visit Usborne Quicklinks for links to websites where you can explore the big questions such as what it means to be good, what art is, and how we know we exist – along with logic puzzles and thought experiments to get you thinking.